A speech by Teresa Ribera during the conference "European progressives for green growth and climate action", organised by the Party of European Socialists (PES) and the Danish Social Democrats (Socialdemokratiet).


This panel focuses on the interlinkage between climate and business/industrial policies. At the time of the conference, important climate-related EU legislation in the framework of the EU Energy Union will be discussed with impact on European businesses and industries. These include the reform of the Emission Trading System (ETS), and directives on Effort-Sharing, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Performance of Buildings, Energy Labelling and Ecodesign. At the same time, the circular economy will start to be translated in concrete legislative proposals. How do policies have to look like to protect the climate and environment, while enabling new, sustainable businesses, business models and quality jobs?


  • Charlotte Billingham, executive advisor at Foundation for European Progressive Studies


  • Nanna Højlund, Vice-President Danish Confederation of Trade Unions o Christian Linder, Industry Adviser to Commission Vice-President for Energy Union, Maros Sefcovic
  • Teresa Ribera, Director Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations, adviser to the Spanish Socialist Workers Party’s Secretary General, former Spanish Secretary of State for Climate Change
  • Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director European Environmental Agency
  • PES member of a national parliament (tbc)
  • PES Minister (tbc)