Issue Brief June 2017 Accelerating sustainable mobility with autonomous vehicles Authors: Mathieu Saujot, Oliver Sartor, Laura Brimont
Study March 2017 Electric vehicles in France: A fifteen-year financing plan for massive rollout Authors: Oliver Sartor, Thomas Spencer, Oliver Fryatt
Blog post July 29th 2016 Collaborative mobility: public authorities have a role to play! Author: Laura Brimont
Study June 2016 The new collaborative mobility actors: from promises to challenges for the public authorities Authors: Laura Brimont, Damien Demailly, Oliver Sartor and 1 more.
Policy Brief June 2016 Collaborative mobility: from promises to challenges for public authorities Authors: Laura Brimont, Damien Demailly, Mathieu Saujot and 1 more.
Working Paper September 2015 The ICT revolution for more sustainable mobility? A long-run perspective Authors: Damien Demailly, Ralph Hippe
Autre publication March 2015 Planifier la ville bas-carbone : réflexions autour des coûts d’abattement des politiques de mobilité ADEME Author: Mathieu Saujot