
Magnan A.K. (2023). L’habitabilité future des territoires littoraux à l’épreuve du changement climatique. In: Territoires submergés. Quelle(s) résilience(s) possible(s) ? Édition Terre Urbaine, p. 10-21.

Book presentation 

On a global scale, hundreds of millions of people will be affected by rising sea levels by 2050, and in France, 864 municipalities have been identified as being vulnerable to marine submersions. Given that these areas are highly strategic, what solutions are there to make them habitable and resilient in the face of increased risks? This is what this collective work attempts to answer by bringing together academics, experts and practitioners around the question, first by presenting a scientific report that feeds the reflection and debate, then by listing the existing tools that allow municipalities to take concrete action on their territory.

More information on the publisher's website

  • Alexandre K. Magnan