This literature review was conducted to explore how ecological planning is conceptualized in academic research. Particular attention was given to the diverse terminologies used to describe this concept (e.g., spatial, integrated, participatory and collaborative planning, ecological planning, environmental management plans) and the different disciplines involved (geography, planning, ecology, political science, economics, etc.). The geographical scope of the study focused on Europe and North America. This approach enabled the compilation of 80 articles published between the 1970s and the present day, of which 11 were selected for in-depth analysis. It is worth noting that this research did not evaluate public planning plans or policies cited in the literature.
The analysis was structured around several key questions, examining the spatial, temporal and sectoral dimensions of ecological planning, as well as governance frameworks. This included the scales of intervention, targeted objectives, strategic documents, development processes, and the actors involved. Complementary aspects, such as data collection and processing, evaluation methods, and the integration of socio-cultural factors, were also studied. Finally, particular attention was given to identifying obstacles and constraints to implementation, whether financial, structural or administrative, to better understand the challenges and levers for effective planning. Based on these guiding questions, an evaluation grid was developed to identify points of consensus and highlight divergences.
Read the Policy Brief on the French Regional COPs on ecological planning