The UK’s world-leading Climate Change Act is 10 years old this year, the Bill having begun its journey through the House of Commons in April 2008. The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics is marking this milestone with a new study on the impact of the Act on climate change policy in the UK and beyond. Based on extensive interviews with policymakers, the study reviews in detail the successes of the Act and areas where expectations have not been fully met. It draws lessons for other countries that are considering their own framework law on climate change.

The study will be introduced by Professor Sam Fankhauser, who was closely involved in UK climate policy as an inaugural member of the Committee on Climate Change. This will be followed by a panel discussion on lessons the UK’s experience holds for other countries.

Panellists include:

  • Alina Averchenkova, Principal Research Fellow, Grantham Research Institute, LSE
  • Thomas L. Muinzer, Lecturer in Environmental Law and Public Law, Stirling Law School, University of Stirling
  • Chris Stark, incoming Chief Executive, Committee on Climate Change
  • Judith Voss-Stemping, Research Fellow, International Climate Governance, IDDRI

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