Report January 2025 Catalyzing green industrialization in agri-food processing - Strategic considerations for Africa-Europe collaboration
10 FEB 2014 Paris PAST EVENT Atelier Sur invitation Les réformes de l’APD française et la mise en œuvre de l’agenda post-2015 du développement : les enjeux d’une aide au secteur agricole Speakers: Laurence Tubiana, Sébastien Treyer
Blog post June 30th 2020 La Convención de los Ciudadanos sobre el Clima: ¿cómo aprovechar la oportunidad? Authors: Nicolas Berghmans, Andreas Rüdinger, Mathieu Saujot
30 JAN 2014 31 JAN 2014 Berlin (Allemagne) PAST EVENT Intervention Sur invitation Inaugural Meeting of the UN Secretary-General’s Scientific Advisory Board Speaker: Laurence Tubiana
29 JAN 2014 PAST EVENT Workshop Invitation-only Food security in the post-2015 development agenda: what objectives for what outcomes?
Blog post June 26th 2020 The Citizens’ Convention on Climate: how to make the most of the opportunity? Authors: Nicolas Berghmans, Andreas Rüdinger, Mathieu Saujot
29 JAN 2014 Paris PAST EVENT Intervention Modèles économie/énergie et débats sur la transition énergétique Speaker: Michel Colombier
23 JAN 2014 Nantes PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public Energiewende et/ou transition énergétique : quels modèles de transition possibles et souhaitables ? Speaker: Andreas Rüdinger
Note June 2020 What international policy initiatives for the prevention of infectious diseases of zoonotic origin? Authors: Yann Laurans, Aleksandar Rankovic, Lucien Chabason and 3 more.
22 JAN 2014 24 JAN 2014 Le Cap (Afrique du Sud) PAST EVENT Conférence Sur invitation Panel of experts meeting for the development of a Pan-African ocean governance model Speaker: Julien Rochette
21 JAN 2014 Paris PAST EVENT Conférence Pièges en haute mer Speakers: Elisabeth Druel, Julien Rochette
Blog post June 23rd 2020 Energy renovation of buildings in the French recovery plan: an opportunity to be seized and pitfalls to be avoided Author: Andreas Rüdinger