Other publication January 2018 Conducting the transition of the whole agribusiness sector toward carbon neutrality: Long-term trajectories and short-term paths Annales des Mines - Responsabilité & Environnement Authors: Sébastien Treyer, Pierre-Marie Aubert, Aleksandar Rankovic and 1 more.
03 DEC 2008 Poznan PAST EVENT Conference Transition towards a low-carbon world: What's a stake for heavy industries?
Tribune January 10th 2018 La lutte contre l'érosion de la biodiversité doit être une priorité internationale Le Monde Author: Yann Laurans
02 DEC 2008 Paris PAST EVENT Les changements de l'environnement : défis et opportunités pour la société, l'économie et le développement de la science et de la technologie en Europe. Une contribution franco-italienne Speaker: Laurence Tubiana
Scientific publication January 2018 Taking the metabolic pulse of the world’s coral reefs Author: Jean-Pierre Gattuso
01 DEC 2008 12 DEC 2008 PAST EVENT Conference UNFCCC Poznan Conference 14th Conference of the Parties at the UNFCCC
Scientific publication December 2017 Borrowing trouble. Finding ways out of value systems discord for biodiversity policy-making Author: Yann Laurans