Report January 2025 Catalyzing green industrialization in agri-food processing - Strategic considerations for Africa-Europe collaboration
13 JUN 2006 Paris PAST EVENT Conférence The road to 2050: Sustainable development in the 21st century
07 JUN 2006 08 JUN 2006 Montpellier PAST EVENT Gouverner par les normes Les dispositifs de normalisation dans la régulation des marchés et des activités économiques
Blog post April 26th 2017 Making SDGs a national agenda: what can we learn from the German example? Author: Elisabeth Hege
06 JUN 2006 PAST EVENT Vers un développement responsable des nanotechnologies ? Speaker: Françoise Roure
29 MAY 2006 Tokyo PAST EVENT Trade induced changes in economic inequalities: Assessment issues and policy implications for developing countries
Blog post April 26th 2017 Financing the energy transition: it’s not just about the money Author: Andreas Rüdinger
23 MAY 2006 PAST EVENT How are rights to emit carbon distributed? The European Union Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme Experience Speaker: Denny Ellerman
19 MAY 2006 Paris PAST EVENT La politique de logement et de rénovation urbaine en Tunisie : quelles conséquences sur l'accès aux services urbains ? Session 4 Speaker: Morched Chabbi
Blog post April 26th 2017 What is the citizen participation in the energy transition? Author: Andreas Rüdinger
18 MAY 2006 Paris PAST EVENT Croissance économique - Faut-il changer de modèle ? Faut-il changer de mesure ? Speaker: Laurence Tubiana
16 MAY 2006 Paris PAST EVENT Conférence Rencontre avec Stephen L. Johnson Speaker: Stephen L. Johnson
Tribune April 20th 2017 The G20’s Time for Climate Leadership Author: Teresa Ribera