Report January 2025 Catalyzing green industrialization in agri-food processing - Strategic considerations for Africa-Europe collaboration
08 JUN 2005 Paris PAST EVENT Pourrons-nous toujours skier en 2050 ? Speakers: Isabelle Frochot, Eric Guilpart, Marie-Antoinette Mélières and 1 more.
03 JUN 2005 Paris PAST EVENT Modes de gestion, modes de régulation : quel contrat social pour étendre l'accès aux services essentiels ? Session 5 Speakers: Sylvy Jaglin, Henri Coing
Publication scientifique March 2017 Implementing the SDGs: Interview with legal expert Julien Rochette of IDDRI Author: Julien Rochette
26 MAY 2005 PAST EVENT Conference Towards a stronger system of international environmental governance
24 MAY 2005 PAST EVENT Making sense of the precautionary principle (and its critics) Speaker: Steve Gardiner
Tribune February 28th 2017 Mise en œuvre des ODD : où en est la France ? ID4D ( Author: Laura Brimont
18 MAY 2005 Paris PAST EVENT Sur la médiatisation des risques climatiques : enjeux, difficultés et réception Speakers: Sylvestre Huet, Marie-Pierre Lahalle, Emmanuel Paris
18 MAY 2005 Paris PAST EVENT Réforme des agences d'aide : l'exemple du Royaume-Uni et des Etats-Unis Speakers: Thierry Giordano, Simon Maxwell
Study February 2017 Electricity demand in France: what's at stake for the energy transition? Author: Nicolas Berghmans
17 MAY 2005 PAST EVENT Beyond the global divide: From basic needs to the knowledge revolution Speaker: Graciela Chichilnisky
Study February 2017 The transition of the French power sector by 2030: an exploratory analysis of the main challenges and different trajectories Authors: Michel Colombier, Philippe Menanteau, Andreas Rüdinger and 2 more.