Other publication October 2015 Transformation pathways for the food and agriculture sector: A necessary debate for the post-2015 agenda Author: Sébastien Treyer
Report October 2015 Submission of evidence on EU Energy Governance to the House of Lords European Union Committee Authors: Oliver Sartor, Katharina Umpfenbach
Working Paper October 2015 The energy transition and the challenge of incorporating uses and participation: eco-district experiments Author: Mathieu Saujot
Tribune October 3rd 2015 Entre développement économique et défi climatique, où en est l’Inde ? lemonde.fr
Blog post October 2nd 2015 What is interesting about Brazil’s INDC and what does it mean for the negotiations? Author: Thomas Spencer
Blog post October 1st 2015 Climate Week was not Climate Weak: the Road to Paris Now Clearer Authors: Céline Ramstein, Sani Zou
Working Paper September 2015 The ICT revolution for more sustainable mobility? A long-run perspective Authors: Damien Demailly, Ralph Hippe
Tribune September 25th 2015 Les Objectifs de développement durable concernent aussi l'Europe ! Les Échos Authors: Teresa Ribera, Patrick Guillaumont
Scientific publication September 2015 An horizon scan of emerging issues for biodiversity policies in France: results and perspectives Author: Raphaël Billé
Autre publication September 2015 La science et la technologie au service de l'adaptation au changement climatique Innovation et changement climatique : l'apport de l'évaluation scientifique et technologique Author: Alexandre K. Magnan
Policy Brief September 2015 Intertwined ocean and climate: implications for international climate negotiations Authors: Raphaël Billé, Alexandre K. Magnan, Ryan Kelly and 4 more.