Document de travail February 2012 Biopiracy and the Role of Private International Law under the Nagoya Protocol Author: Claudio Chiarolla
Document de travail February 2012 Mitigation targets and actions in China up to 2020 Authors: Emmanuel Guérin, Xin Wang
Rapport February 2012 Ces îles qui pourraient disparaître Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Virginie Duvat
Propositions February 2012 Establishing an Emissions Trading System in China under the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Policy Considerations Authors: Ji Feng Li, Ya Xiong Zhang, Cai Songfeng
Policy Brief December 2011 Rising to the sustainability challenge in the agri-food sector Perspectives from New Zealand and France Authors: Sébastien Treyer, Catherine McIntosh, Hayden Montgomery and 1 more.
Propositions December 2011 Assessing funding needs for biodiversity: Critical issues Authors: Romain Pirard, Clément Feger
Document de travail December 2011 To B(TA) or not to B(TA)? On the Legality and Desirability of Border Tax Adjustments from a Trade Perspective Authors: Petros Mavroidis, Henrik Horn