Une intervention de Yann Laurans lors de la session 1 ("Overview on the global context of economic valuation in the domain of coral reef ecosystems") du CRISP Economic Workshop, "Investing in Coral Reefs: Is It Worth It?", qui se tient à Nouméa (Nouvelle-Calédonie) du 22 au 26 novembre 2010. L'événement est organisé par le CRISP (Coral Reef Initiatives for the Pacific) et le CPS (Secrétariat général de la Communauté du Pacifique).

Présentation de l'atelier [en anglais] :

"This five day workshop, held at SPC headquarters in Noumea (New Caledonia), will gather an international panel of environmental economists. For three days those specialists will examine and validate various methodologies and results studies. The last two days of the meeting will be dedicated to produce relevant material to shed light on the economic effectiveness of MMAs and address the needs of funding agencies and decision-makers throughout the Pacific region."

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