Un article écrit par François Gemenne, publié dans le n°21S (2011) de la revue Global Environmental Change et consacré aux statistiques relatives aux populations déplacées en raison de changements environnementaux. L'absence de consensus sur ces statistiques est notamment due à l'utilisation de méthodologies différentes.

Résumé [en anglais] :

"Estimates and predictions of people displaced by environmental changes have been highly instrumental in the ever-increasing attention given to environmental migration in the media. Yet no consensual estimate exists, let alone a commonly agreed methodology. As a result, predictions and estimates have become one of the most contentious issues in the debates on environmental migration. This article seeks to review the key estimates and predictions existing in the literature, as well as the methodologies they are built on, and the problems and caveats they are fraught with. The first part reviews the figures related to current estimates of people displaced by environmental changes, while a second part examines the predictions for future displacements. The next section synthesises the key methodological difficulties and a final section suggests some possible avenues for improvement."

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    Auteur :
  • François Gemenne