Cet article propose une évaluation de la « révolution » du gaz de schiste aux États-Unis, notamment en termes de prix de l'énergie et d'impacts macroéconomiques, et questionne la réplicabilité de cette révolution et de ses impacts en Europe.
>> Ce Policy Brief est issu de la Study N°02/14.
Extrait [en anglais] :
"[Our] analysis suggests that even for the US, the unconventional oil and gas revolution has not been a panacea for the US economy, manufacturing competitiveness and household purchasing power, nor for its long term energy and climate policy aims. Nonetheless, many ask whether the EU could repeat the US experience in shale gas production, with a view to improving the competitiveness of EU manufacturing and reducing energy bills for households. There are a number of reasons to suggest that the EU will not reproduce the scale of the US shale gas revolution."