En préparation du G20 placé sous la présidence de l'Allemagne pour l'année 2017, l'Iddri a contribué à l'initiative G20 Insights, une plateforme regroupant les propositions de quelque 170 think tanks internationaux, et à la F20 Platform, une alliance de fondations et autres organisations philanthropiques.

Une série de propositions et recommandations relatives aux politiques climatiques et aux Objectifs de développement durable ont ainsi été transmises directement au G20 en amont du sommet de Hambourg des 7 et 8 juillet 2017.

Résumé [en anglais] :

The Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will benefit from coordinated contributions from G20 countries. International cooperation is particularly important when addressing the sustainable use and protection of global commons such as the ocean (SDG14), especially on the high seas. At the same time SDG14 should be implemented with consideration of the interactions with other SDGs in order to promote coherent ocean policies as a basis for a thriving and sustainable ocean economy. G20 countries have the opportunity to lead global cooperation through both protection and restoration measures for coastal and marine ecosystems and a carefully approach to sustainable exploitation of marine resources. This T20 Policy Brief draws heavily on various recent policy and analysis papers on the ocean economy, the SDGs and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for oceans, seas and marine space and resources and provides a synthesis for decision makers.

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