Dr. Frank Biermann is a professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU University), The Netherlands, where he heads the Environmental Policy Analysis group at the Institute for Environmental Studies. He is also a visiting professor of Earth System Governance at Lund University, Sweden. Dr. Biermann specializes in the study of global environmental politics, with emphasis on climate negotiations, United Nations reform, public-private governance mechanisms, and global adaptation governance. He pioneered the concept of “earth system governance” and chairs the Earth System Governance Project, a global trans-disciplinary research network. His most recent book, Earth System Governance: World Politics in the Anthropocene, will be released shortly by MIT Press. Among other honours, Dr. Biermann has won a Societal Impact Award for his “path-breaking research on global environmental policy”. He holds a PhD in political science from Freie Universität Berlin, and master’s degrees in both political science and international law.
Frank Biermann
Dernières publications de
Publication scientifique
Décembre 2016
Cyberdemocracy? Information and Communication Technologies in Civil Society Consultations for Sustainable Development
Publication scientifique
Octobre 2016
Quelle représentativité des consultations de la société civile pour le développement durable ? Une analyse critique de leur contribution à la construction d’une démocratie globale
Janvier 2004
Créer une OME : éléments pour le débat
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