Report February 2017 Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal for the Oceans Authors: Julien Rochette, Sebastian Unger, Glen Wright and 3 more.
Publication scientifique September 2016 Protecting Earth’s last conservation frontier: scientific, management and legal priorities for MPAs beyond national boundaries Authors: Julien Rochette, Kristina Gjerde, Glen Wright
Publication scientifique August 2016 Historic UN talks could save the high seas Authors: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright
Issue Brief August 2016 An overview of vulnerable marine ecosystem closures Authors: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright
Study August 2016 High seas fisheries: what role for a new international instrument? Authors: Julien Rochette, Kristina Gjerde, Sebastian Unger and 4 more.
Tribune April 28th 2016 L’Union européenne va-t-elle enfin mettre un terme au chalutage profond ? The Conversation Authors: Elisabeth Druel, Glen Wright
Billet de blog April 14th 2016 Vers un accord sur la haute mer : des mesures positives à New York Author: Glen Wright
Tribune March 21st 2016 Historic UN talks could save the high seas The Conversation Authors: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright
Tribune March 20th 2016 Un rendez-vous historique pour protéger la haute mer des convoitises The Conversation Authors: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright
Study March 2016 The long and winding road continues: Towards a new agreement on high seas governance Authors: Julien Rochette, Elisabeth Druel, Kristina Gjerde and 1 more.
Issue Brief March 2016 Sea change: Negotiating a new agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction Authors: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright