Jean-Pierre Gattuso is research director at the Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche, CNRS, and Sorbonne University.

His current research relates to the effects of ocean acidification and warming on marine ecosystems and the services that they provide to society. He also investigates ocean-based solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Jean-Pierre Gattuso led the launch of the Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre at the International Atomic Energy Agency. He coedited the first book on ocean acidification (Oxford University Press) and contributed to several IPCC products (AR5, Special Reports on 1.5°C of Warming and on the Ocean and Cryosphere).

He was the Scientific Coordinator of the EPOCA (European Project on Ocean Acidification, 7 institutes from 9 European countries) and the eFOCE (BNP-Paribas Foundation, 7 institutes from Europe and the US) projects.  He currently chairs the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation initiative “Ocean Acidification & other ocean Changes – Impacts and Solutions” (OACIS).

Jean-Pierre Gattuso is an elected member of the European Academy of Sciences, of Academia Europaea and of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is also the Founding President of the European Geosciences Union Biogeosciences Division, the Founding editor-in-chief of the journal Biogeosciences, and editor of Cambridge University Press journal Coastal Futures. He co-chairs the One Ocean Science Congress which will precede the United Nations Ocean Conference (Nice, France, June 2025).

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  • Ruth Patrick Award of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (2020)
  • Blaise Pascal Medal in Earth and Environmental Sciences, European Academy of Sciences (2014)
  • Vladimir Vernadsky Medal, European Geosciences Union (2012)
  • Union Service Award, European Geosciences Union (2005)