20 JUN 2018 paris PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Coral reefs: solutions for today and tomorrow Speaker: Jean-Pierre Gattuso
02 JUN 2018 Washington PAST EVENT Workshop Invitation-only Exploring potential ocean-based solutions to climate change impacts on marine biodiversity and ecosystem services Speakers: Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Alexandre K. Magnan
Other publication January 2022 The ocean, a climate safeguard POLYTECHNIQUE INSIGHTS (in French) Authors: Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Alexandre K. Magnan
16 FEB 2018 17 FEB 2018 Quito PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only Second meeting of the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and the Cryosphere Speakers: Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Alexandre K. Magnan
16 NOV 2017 Paris PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only Fast-tracking and financing coastal and marine nature-based solutions for climate resilience Speaker: Jean-Pierre Gattuso
Scientific publication September 2021 Estimating the global risk of anthropogenic climate change NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Hans-Otto Pörtner, Virginie Duvat and 5 more.
02 OCT 2017 06 OCT 2017 Fidji PAST EVENT Workshop Invitation-only First meeting of the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and the Cryosphere Speakers: Alexandre K. Magnan, Jean-Pierre Gattuso
27 OCT 2015 Brest PAST EVENT Intervention Sur invitation Déclaration de Brest sur l'atténuation et l’adaptation aux changements climatiques Speakers: Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Michel Colombier
Op-ed August 12th 2021 Humans will always have oxygen to breathe, but we can’t say the same for ocean life THE CONVERSATION Authors: Jean-Pierre Gattuso, C.M. Duarte, Fortunat Joos and 1 more.
02 OCT 2015 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event Implementing the Oceans Sustainable Development Goal: from knowledge to action Speakers: Teresa Ribera, Julien Rochette, Jean-Pierre Gattuso and 4 more.
07 JUL 2015 10 JUL 2015 Paris PAST EVENT Conférence Evènement public Notre avenir commun face au changement climatique Speakers: Teresa Ribera, Sébastien Treyer, Alexandre K. Magnan and 1 more.
Scientific publication June 2021 Ocean acidification science stands strong SCIENCE Authors: Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Hans-Otto Pörtner, Steve Widdicombe