13 DEC 2017 14 DEC 2017 Potsdam PAST EVENT Workshop Invitation-only The Ocean in 2030 – How to get to the future we want? Speakers: Lucien Chabason, Julien Rochette, Glen Wright
03 APR 2017 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event Biodiversity and climate in 2017: we can do better! Speakers: Yann Laurans, Lucien Chabason, Luc Abbadie and 3 more.
Blog post December 15th 2020 The "Commune de Grande-Synthe" decision: the administrative litigation in the service of the climate Author: Lucien Chabason
26 OCT 2016 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Invitation-only The challenge of SDGs for France: what has to be changed to reach the goals? Presentation of Iddri’s report on the capacity of France to reach to SDGs by 2030 Speakers: Teresa Ribera, Lucien Chabason, Nina Weitz and 7 more.
13 OCT 2016 14 OCT 2016 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event Influence of the IPCC and IPBES on decision-making Speakers: Sébastien Treyer, Lucien Chabason, Alexandre K. Magnan and 1 more.
Blog post November 24th 2020 Analysing the legal scope of the Paris Agreement and related commitments Blogpost series - 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement Authors: Marta Torre-Schaub, Lucien Chabason, Michel Colombier and 1 more.
11 MAY 2016 13 MAY 2016 Postdam PAST EVENT Conference Invitation-only Sustainable Development Goals for the Ocean: Turning Commitment into Action Speakers: Julien Rochette, Glen Wright, Lucien Chabason
16 FEB 2016 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event 30 years of the French coastal law: assessment and future A session of IDDRI's Sustainable Development and Environmental Economics Seminar Speakers: Lucien Chabason, Arnaud Gueguen
Note June 2020 What international policy initiatives for the prevention of infectious diseases of zoonotic origin? Authors: Yann Laurans, Aleksandar Rankovic, Lucien Chabason and 3 more.
28 OCT 2015 30 OCT 2015 Bogotá PAST EVENT Atelier Sur invitation CPPS Integrated Oceanic Policy Workshop Speakers: Glen Wright, Lucien Chabason
09 JUN 2015 PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only What Future for our Ocean? Speaker: Lucien Chabason
Issue Brief April 2020 The risk of zoonoses from wildlife: options for regulation Authors: Yann Laurans, Lucien Chabason, Aleksandar Rankovic and 2 more.