Publication scientifique April 2016 Paiements pour services environnementaux en Indonésie : incitations économiques ou motivations sociales ? Authors: Romain Pirard, Beria Leimona
Scientific publication March 2016 Access and benefit-sharing in the Nagoya Protocol: an innovative funding mechanism for biodiversity? Authors: Romain Pirard, Renaud Lapeyre
Rapport September 2015 Designing incentive agreements for conservation: an innovative approach Authors: Romain Pirard, Herlina Hartanto
19 JUN 2015 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event Conserving biodiversity and ecosystem services through market-based instruments Theory and practices for public decision makers Speakers: Sébastien Treyer, Xavier Sticker, Renaud Lapeyre and 2 more.
Publication scientifique April 2015 Payments for environmental services in Indonesia: What if economic signals were lost in translation? Authors: Romain Pirard, Beria Leimona
Scientific publication November 2014 Aichi Biodiversity Target 3: Can market-based instruments make a difference? Results from the INVALUABLE project Authors: Romain Pirard, Philippe Méral, Charles-Hubert Born and 1 more.
09 OCT 2014 PAST EVENT Conference Public event Aichi target 3 on positive incentives: can market-based instruments make a difference? Speakers: Philippe Méral, Charles-Hubert Born, Romain Pirard and 1 more.
Document de travail September 2014 Les dispositifs institutionnels régissant la compensation biodiversité en France : gouvernance de marché ou accords bilatéraux ? Authors: Romain Pirard, Matthieu Wemaëre, Anouk Ferté-Devin
Publication scientifique September 2014 Classifying market-based instruments for ecosystem services: A guide to the literature jungle Author: Romain Pirard
Publication scientifique April 2014 Do PES improve the governance of forest restoration? Authors: Romain Pirard, Guillaume De Buren
Policy Brief November 2013 Bioprospecting under the Nagoya Protocol: a conservation booster? Authors: Romain Pirard, Claudio Chiarolla