01 JUN 2012 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Policies Against Nature? Towards a Reform of Biodiversity Harmful Subsidies A session of the IDDRI - Hermès Foundation Conferences Speakers: Raphaël Billé, Sébastien Treyer, Romain Pirard
Publication scientifique November 2012 Biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation: a way out of the deadlock? Authors: Raphaël Billé, Romain Pirard
15 OCT 2011 Paris PAST EVENT « Forêts : quels enjeux économiques, écologiques et sociaux de leur gestion? » Speaker: Romain Pirard
13 OCT 2011 Strasbourg PAST EVENT « Quels nouveaux moyens pour prévenir la déforestation ? » Speaker: Romain Pirard
Policy Brief October 2012 Resource Mobilisation for Aichi Targets: ambiguous lessons from research on market-based instruments Authors: Romain Pirard, Gilles Kleitz
07 SEP 2011 San Diego (États-Unis) PAST EVENT "Land Sparing: Can Intensification of Agriculture Save Forests?" Speaker: Romain Pirard
Policy Brief September 2012 The 11th Conference of the Parties to the CBD: a return to normalcy in Hyderabad? Authors: Raphaël Billé, Julien Rochette, Romain Pirard and 2 more.
26 AUG 2011 Montpellier PAST EVENT « Les forêts en tant que lieu essentiel pour les humains » Speaker: Romain Pirard
02 JUL 2011 La Haye (Pays-Bas) PAST EVENT "Nature Inc? Questioning the Market Panacea in Environmental Policy and Conservation" Speaker: Romain Pirard
Policy Brief July 2012 Policies against nature? Towards a reform of biodiversity harmful subsidies Author: Romain Pirard