02 SEP 2014 Pékin (Chine) PAST EVENT Intervention Sur invitation EU’s position on coal power plants and CCS development Speaker: Thomas Spencer
11 JUN 2014 Bonn (Allemagne) PAST EVENT Atelier Sur invitation Bounded flexibility: designing a "hybrid" climate agreement Speaker: Thomas Spencer
Policy Brief July 2016 Long-term low emissions development strategies and the Paris Agreement – Why, what and how? Authors: Michel Colombier, Thomas Spencer, Henri Waisman
25 MAR 2014 Paris PAST EVENT Conférence Evènement public Le contexte actuel des négociations internationales : ce qui a changé depuis Kyoto. Speaker: Thomas Spencer
13 FEB 2014 PAST EVENT Workshop Invitation-only An economic analysis of US shale gas and implications for the EU Speakers: Teresa Ribera, Thomas Spencer
Issue Brief July 2016 Mainstreaming climate finance into international public financial flows: What role for the G20? Authors: Thomas Spencer, Chen Ji
06 JAN 2014 10 JAN 2014 PAST EVENT Workshop Invitation-only Technology roundtables and modelling workshop of the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP) Speakers: Henri Waisman, Thomas Spencer
27 NOV 2013 Paris PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public Pays développés, grands émergeants, pays en développement : comment réussir la conférence de 2015 ? Speaker: Thomas Spencer
Blog post June 28th 2016 Update on Energy Transition in the US: on the road to its INDC? Author: Thomas Spencer
24 OCT 2013 Varsovie (Pologne) PAST EVENT Intervention Sur invitation Macroeconomic consequences of carbon leakage: An empirical risk assessment Speaker: Thomas Spencer
21 JUN 2013 Paris PAST EVENT Atelier Sur invitation Modelling Economy, Energy and Emissions Scenarios in Poland: Lessons from International Experience Speaker: Thomas Spencer
Publication scientifique May 2016 Implications of the Paris Agreement for the ocean Authors: Michel Colombier, Raphaël Billé, Alexandre K. Magnan and 6 more.