Background and issues
To collectively achieve the ambitious climate goals consistent with the Paris Agreement commitments, it is important to envisage the deep transformations of all economies that are necessary to link the major greenhouse gas emission reductions with the development needs specific to each context.
To inform the decision-making process to bring about these transformations, research studies are needed to link:
- the comprehensiveness of the objective and the specificities of the different geographical contexts that define the decision-making framework;
- long-term objectives (2050 and beyond) and the short-term decisions to initiate the transition towards these goals, as formulated in National Contributions;
- in-depth expertise able to identify the drivers of transformation in each area and the need to discuss these levers within an integrated framework.
These three dimensions of linkage, which condition the relevance of the analysis in the framework defined by the Paris Agreement, pose a major challenge that requires specific methodological developments to structure the research community around common principles. And a practical implementation of these methods in specific studies is also required to be able to contribute directly to the political processes at work in each context.
Restraining global warming to below 2°C requires profound changes that may be difficult to grasp. How can the changes be conceived? How can the specific context and development objectives of each country be taken into account? What policies are needed, both at the local and international levels?
Report December 2015 Read also Pathways to deep decarbonization 2015 synthesis report Report September 2015 Read also Pathways to deep decarbonization - 2015 Report Executive Summary
To answer these questions, IDDRI and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) met to form the secretariat of the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP) platform, which has been joined by leading research teams from 16 countries that represent over 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, United States, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Republic of Korea, South Africa, United Kingdom and Russia.
The key elements of the working method of this platform include:
- the deep decarbonization trajectories of each country are developed by local research teams;
- a common approach is applied (known as backcasting), which uses the 2050 goal as a starting point, then examines the necessary conditions that would enable this target to be reached, as opposed to analysing the extension of current trends;
- common tools are used to ensure transparency of the working hypotheses, including in sectors and technologies.
National Reports
The DDPP benefits from collaborations with key partners, who are publishing their national report :
Download the Australian national report [PDF-3,06Mo]
Download the Canadian national report [PDF-887Ko]
Canada, April 2016 : D. Sawyer, and C. Bataille (2016). Still Minding the Gap: An Assessment of Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Obligations, SDSN - IDDRI [PDF-363Ko].
Download the Chinese national report [PDF-709Ko]
Download the French national report [PDF-892Ko]
Download the German national report [PDF-1,18Mo]
Donwload the Indian national report [PDF-938 Ko]
Download the Indonesian national report [PDF-860Ko]
Download the Italian national report [PDF-1,21Mo]
Download the Japanese national report [PDF-922Ko]
Download the Mexican national report [PDF-748 Ko]
Download the South African national report [PDF-922Ko]
Download the United Kingdom national report [PDF-1,98Mo]
Download the 4 following PDF:
Technical report [PDF - 10Mo]
Technical Report - exe summary [PDF- 666Ko]
Policy Report - exe summary [PDF- 848Ko]
Project website: