15 NOV 2018 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Food, biodiversity, climate: which path for European agriculture? Registration closed Speakers: Ben Allen, Pierre-Marie Aubert, Sébastien Treyer
20 OCT 2018 PAST EVENT Presentation Presentation of the TYFA (Ten Years for Agroecology) scenario IPES-Food panel Speakers: William Loveluck, Xavier Poux
Policy Brief October 2020 Reclaiming the place of agro-biodiversity in the conservation and food debate Authors: Diego Garcia-Vega, Pierre-Marie Aubert
13 SEP 2018 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event Is an agroecological Europe possible? Registration closed Speakers: Pierre-Marie Aubert, Xavier Poux, Dominique Potier and 2 more.
07 DEC 2017 Bruxelles PAST EVENT Presentation Public event The Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking Stakeholder Forum 2017 Speaker: Pierre-Marie Aubert
Blog post September 23rd 2020 A timid recovery plan in the face of the challenges of the agro-ecological transition Author: Pierre-Marie Aubert
08 NOV 2017 Bruxelles PAST EVENT Workshop Invitation-only Conditions for an agroecological transition in Europe Speaker: Pierre-Marie Aubert
Blog post June 9th 2020 EU Biodiversity Strategy: the importance of permanent grasslands, in line with the Farm to Fork Strategy Author: Xavier Poux
Report March 2020 Contribution to the 2020 roadmap consultation on the Farm to Fork Strategy Author: Pierre-Marie Aubert
Publication scientifique November 2019 Agriculture et changement climatique : analyse et enseignements d’approches prospectives Authors: Xavier Poux, Pierre-Marie Aubert
Tribune April 30th 2019 Avec l’agroécologie, ce qui est bon pour la biodiversité l’est pour le climat REPORTERRE Authors: Pierre-Marie Aubert, Brigitte Béjean
Study April 2019 Agroecology and carbon neutrality in Europe by 2050: what are the issues? Findings from the TYFA modelling exercise Authors: Pierre-Marie Aubert, Marie-Hélène Schwoob, Xavier Poux