Sébastien Treyer takes part in an event discussing Climate Change mitigation under the new CAP, organised by the EEB, together with BirdLife Europe, and supported by the Federal Environment Ministry in Germany and European Climate Initiative EUKI.

Agriculture is not just one of the first victims of Climate Change, but also the source of 10% of the EU's greenhouse gas emissions. If we are seriously committed to halting global warming at 1.5 °C it is obvious that emissions from agriculture need to be reduced, while sinks should be increased. The new CAP presents an opportunity to support sustainable climate mitigation measures.

This event will:

  • Bring together scientists to present the latest state of knowledge on different mitigation options
  • Feature a policy debate discussing the limits and opportunities presented by different approaches
  • Provide space for decision makers and stakeholders to exchange their views on the different mitigation options with respect to policy coherence as well as potential barriers preventing the utilization of the full mitigation potential of the agriculture sector

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