02 DEC 2009 04 DEC 2009 PAST EVENT 2009 Amsterdam Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Earth System Governance: People, Places and the Planet
Blog post July 20th 2018 Sanitation in developing cities: an imperative for sustainable urban development Author: Laure Criqui
Blog post July 19th 2018 Third-country cooperation in the China's Belt and Road Initiative Author: Xin Wang
26 NOV 2009 PAST EVENT Task Force on "Global Climate Change Policy and the Increasing Role of cities": 3rd meeting
26 NOV 2009 Deauville PAST EVENT Les Ateliers de la Terre : The Gobal Conference Speaker: Lucien Chabason
Policy Brief July 2018 Carbon neutrality: taking on the global challenge for ambitious climate action Authors: Lola Vallejo, Aleksandar Rankovic, Michel Colombier and 2 more.
25 NOV 2009 Paris PAST EVENT Stratégies institutionnelles de conservation de la biodiversité Speaker: Thierry Lefebvre
24 NOV 2009 Paris PAST EVENT La sécurité alimentaire : une priorité stratégique de l'Union pour la Méditerranée ? Speaker: Lucien Chabason
Blog post July 11th 2018 Coal industry in Germany: 2018, a turning point? Authors: Nicolas Berghmans, Oliver Sartor