Working Paper December 2014 Reconciling development with the need to ‘decarbonize’ the economy Authors: Maria Elena Gutiérrez, María Paz Cigarán, David García and 1 more.
Working Paper December 2014 The LAC region in the face of climate change: perspectives on national policy and international cooperation Authors: Teresa Ribera, Céline Ramstein
Working Paper November 2014 A comprehensive assessment of options for the legal form of the Paris Climate Agreement Authors: Sandrine Maljean-Dubois, Thomas Spencer, Matthieu Wemaëre
Publication scientifique November 2014 Avoiding maladaptation to climate change: towards guiding principles Author: Alexandre K. Magnan
Tribune November 24th 2014 Les objectifs de développement durable, c’est parti ! AlterEco+ Author: Tancrède Voituriez
Publication scientifique November 2014 Rights and ownership in sea country: implications of marine renewable energy for indigenous and local communities Author: Glen Wright
Scientific publication November 2014 Marine governance in an industrialised ocean: A case study of the emerging marine renewable energy industry Author: Glen Wright
Policy Brief November 2014 French Overseas Development Assistance and implementation of the post-2015 development agenda: what priorities for research and actions in the area of health? Authors: Thierry Giordano, Tancrède Voituriez
Publication scientifique November 2014 Delivering the Aichi target 11: challenges and opportunities for marine areas beyond national jurisdiction Authors: Julien Rochette, Elisabeth Druel, Jeff Ardron and 6 more.