Study February 2014 Seeing beyond the horizon for deepwater oil and gas: strengthening the international regulation of offshore exploration and exploitation Authors: Lucien Chabason, Julien Rochette, Matthieu Wemaëre and 1 more.
Tribune February 25th 2014 Catastrophe à retardement au Bangladesh Author: Alexandre K. Magnan
Publication scientifique February 2014 Une géo-économie des échanges agro-alimentaires entre les pays arabes méditerranéens et le Golfe Author: Matthieu Brun
Rapport February 2014 Un littoral sans nature ? L'avenir de la Méditerranée face à l'urbanisation Author: Julien Rochette
Rapport February 2014 Transition énergétique : des scénarios nationaux aux politiques européennes Author: Mathilde Mathieu
Rapport February 2014 Staying with the leaders - Europe's path to a successful low-carbon economy Authors: Karsten Neuhoff, Oliver Sartor, William Acworth and 5 more.
Propositions February 2014 Unconventional wisdom: an economic analysis of US shale gas and implications for the EU Authors: Thomas Spencer, Oliver Sartor, Mathilde Mathieu
Propositions January 2014 Issues and options with regard to the renewables target in the context of the 2030 EU Climate and Energy Package Authors: Michel Colombier, Thomas Spencer, Teresa Ribera
Propositions January 2014 Addressing industrial competitiveness concerns in the 2030 EU Climate and Energy Package Authors: Michel Colombier, Thomas Spencer, Oliver Sartor
Document de travail January 2014 Fin de la faim : comment assurer la transition agricole et alimentaire ? Authors: Maria-Luiza Apostolescu, Léa Boissonade, Philippe Brunet and 2 more.
Document de travail January 2014 The Committee on World Food Security reform: impacts on global governance of food security Authors: Sébastien Treyer, Matthieu Brun, Kate Eklin and 5 more.