During this special conference, Amory Lovins will present ideas that can address some of the world's biggest problems, in a way that benefits workers, shareholders and the planet.

Through the Natural Capitalism framework he will explain how very simple changes to the way we run our businesses, built on advanced techniques for making resources more productive, can yield startling benefits.

He will show how innovative cleantech projects can create tomorrow’s mobility and energy infrastructures, and help us get out of the current economic crisis. 

He will detail Rocky Mountain Institute’s analysis on how half the oil and gas, and 75% of the electricity used in the U.S. can be saved by end-use efficiency, and the rest can be reliably provided by low-impact and often distributed resources that are already winning in the global marketplace. 

Finally, Amory Lovins will share his surprising analysis of the competitiveness of nuclear power relative to decentralized, renewable options.

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