Raphaël Billé will participate to the 4th Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands. 

The conference will mobilize high-level policy attention, topical working groups, analytical papers, and other contributions to provide a review of progress achieved in advancing ecosystem management and integrated coastal and ocean management by 2010 at national and regional (transboundary) levels, and in the 64% of the ocean beyond national jurisdiction, and on the allied goals of reducing marine biodiversity loss by 2010 and of establishing networks of marine protected areas by 2012 (goals adopted by the world's political leaders at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development).

The Conference will focus on three major themes related to achieving ecosystem management and integrated coastal and ocean management at national and regional levels, and in areas beyond national jurisdiction:
  • Theme 1. Achieving Ecosystem management and integrated coastal and ocean management by 2010
  • Theme 2. Climate, Oceans, and Security: Addressing Impacts in Vulnerable Ecosystems and in Vulnerable Coastal Communities, especially in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
  • Theme 3. Addressing the Governance of Marine Ecosystems and Uses in Areas Beyond the Limits of National Jurisdiction
Raphaël Billé will be one speaker of the Concurrent discussion session on "Uses of Marine Ecosystems in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (Bioprospecting, Fisheries, Deep Seabed Mining, Maritime Transportation, Communication Cables: Opportunities for Enhancing the Management Frameworks" (Wednesday, April 9 - Afternoon).

The conference will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam.

See more : Conference website