L'Iddri et l'université Waseda (Tokyo, Japon) organisent un atelier d'experts sur la sûreté nucléaire.
>> NOTE : atelier fermé sur invitation uniquement
Présentation [en anglais] :
"IDDRI, in collaboration with Waseda University in Japan, launched in 2013 a research project on the design and operation of nuclear safety institutions.
The project is part of a wider research programme on the development of energy policy, including a comparative analysis of nuclear regulatory regimes led by Waseda University at the request of the Japanese authorities. One of its components is a comparative analysis of European regulatory regimes—IDDRI providing input on European countries (France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden and Belgium).
The objective of the expert workshop is to present these different regulatory mechanisms and provide an enabling environment for discussion between European regulators and Japanese researchers."