Une conférence co-organisée à Mumbai (Inde) par Veolia Transport (Paris), The Energy and Resources Institute (New Delhi), Transport Research Laboratory (Londres) et l'Iddri (Paris).

Présentation de la conférence [en anglais] :

"In principle, developing cities should be eligible for a wide array of carbon finance instruments, both current and emerging, to fund public transport infrastructures (such as CDMs, NAMAs, PoAs, Sectoral Approaches etc.). In reality, to date very few cities have benefited from such programs which have turned out to be cumbersome and inadequate.

The overarching aim of this research project is to design a realistic and holistic methodology that should:
• be realistic in terms of data availability and quality;
• account for direct and indirect emissions;
• be able to integrate other externalities beyond carbon emission reduction;
• be transferable to other cities, both within and outside India.
The project will fall into the following three phases:
• Comparative analysis of the current financing mechanisms that are available (CDM, GEF, World Bank funds, etc.) to assess the requirements for funding [...] This phase is ongoing
• Identification and review of the current data collected in Mumbai and their measurement, reporting and verification practices [...] This phase is ongoing
• Comparison and analysis of the two first phases [...]"

Intervention d'Emmanuel Guérin (28 septembre) : "The current climate change negotiations: an overview", dans le cadre de la session "The International Agenda - Gaps between current International Climate Change Instruments and urban transport realities and constraints"

Intervention de Benoir Lefèvre (29 septembre) : "Challenges of transferability for a future carbon financing scheme adapted to urban transport characteristics", dans le cadre de la session technique III, "Transferability, options and limits".

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