Un événement organisé conjointement par The International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), The Australian Centre for Intellectual Property in Agriculture (ACIPA) et l'Iddri, consacré aux instruments internationaux permettant de protéger les ressources génétiques (genetic resources, GR), les savoirs traditionnels (traditional knowledge, TK) et les expressions culturelles traditionnelles (traditional cultural expressions, TCE).

>> Les principaux points de discussion mis à l'agenda de cet événement ont été présenté lors d'un side event organisé le 27 mars 2014 dans le cadre du Comité intergouvernemental de la propriété intellectuelle relative aux ressources génétiques, aux savoirs traditionnels et au folklore réuni par l'Organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle (WIPO) : The Geneva Dialogues on TK: A Contribution to Consensus-Building at the IGC

Présentation [en anglais] :

"The objective of the dialogue, ahead of the IGC session the following week, is to provide an informal space to debate key issues relevant for the effective development and implementation of an international regime for the protection of TK, with a primary focus on the ongoing process at the IGC. It is our hope that such a dialogue can help achieve a better understanding of the topics discussed, foster shared understandings and thus ultimately facilitate consensus building in a manner that contributes to further progress in IGC deliberations.

The dialogue will thus bring together a multi-stakeholder group of country delegates, experts, academics and indigenous people representatives to discuss the current direction of the IGC negotiations on TK, and their capacity to ensure effective protection of traditional knowledge. The morning sessions will provide opportunities to discuss the IGC draft text on TK, its relationship to the CBD Nagoya Protocol, and the treatment of customary law and its role in securing effective TK protection. The contribution of proposals included in the recent IGC draft text on GRs to the prevention of TK misappropriation will also be examined. The afternoon sessions will address key issues in the draft TK text, as well as cross-cutting issues in the draft GRs text, such as: i) scope; ii) economic rights/beneficiaries; iii) shared TK and iv) limitations and exceptions."

>> Inscriptions auprès d'Anna Jedrusik (ipprogramme@ictsd.ch), dans la limites des places disponibles