Une intervention de Xin Wang dans le cadre de la conférence internationale "A Pivotal Turn in Global Climate Governance? Evidence from EU-China and EU-Vietnam Climate Relations" organisée par : HIVA Research Institute for Work and Society - University of Leuven; Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies - University of Leuven; Taishindo Services - Leuven; Climate Policy Institute - Tsinghua University; Directorate-General for Climate Action - European Commission; Institute for European Studies - Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences; CEPS Centre for European Policy Studies.
Présentation de la conférence [en anglais] :
"Much has changed since the onset of the global climate regime in the early 1990s. The globalization of the Western economic model and the rise of emerging economies are transforming the very structure of global governance. Due to decades of energy-intensive economic growth and exponential rise in greenhouse gas emissions, major developing countries such as China can no longer be on the sidelines. But even smaller emerging economies such as Vietnam are expected to participate fully in a future agreement. The 2011 Durban Platform, launched to negotiate a global deal by 2015, will need to confront the differentiation of commitments to ensure wider participation. This international seminar addresses how the European Union attempts to build multilateral support for future global climate action and how it develops practical bilateral cooperation with emerging economies such as China and Vietnam. These experiences also provide valuable lessons for international negotiations under the UNFCCC umbrella. As climatologists are calling for a peak in global emissions before 2020, a ‘pivotal turn’ in global climate governance is urgently required if the world is serious about reaching the 2°C target agreed upon in Copenhagen."