Une intervention de Claudio Chiarolla dans le cadre d'ateliers inter-sessionnels sur la conservation et l'usage durable de la diversité biologique dans les zones situées au-delà de la juridiction nationale, organisés par les Nations unies conformément aux termes de référence annexés à la résolution 67/78 de l'Assemblée gnérale des Nations unies.

Présentation du panel [en anglais]

"Under this theme, it is proposed that questions under consideration may include: besides the framework provided by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which regimes, experiences and best practices related to genetic resources are in place? What are their principles and main characteristics? What lessons can be learned from existing regimes, experiences and practices? What are the criteria according to which a regime can be considered successful? Are there successful regimes and if so, why are some regimes more successful than others?"