Compte rendu du side event organisé par le projet INVALUABLE coordonné par l'Iddri dans le cadre de la 12e Conférence des Parties (COP 12) à la Convention sur la diversité biologique (CDB) qui s'est tenue en Corée du Sud en octobre 2014.
Extrait [en anglais] :
" [...] In this context, the side event aimed at presenting policy-relevant results from the BiodivERsA EU-funded INVALUABLE project.
The side event particularly aimed at tackling issues of:
- Better defining the nature of IFMs & positive incentives and their actual economic relationship with market mechanisms
- Further assessing strengths & weaknesses, advantages & risks of these instruments by:
– Better explaining drivers and impacts of behaviour change in response to economic instruments
– Thorougfully analysing governance arrangements associated with these instruments when implemented on the ground - Proposing safeguards for the efficient and equitable use of such mechanisms with economic and market characteristics
- Better informing policy decisions by investigating preliminary potential science-policy interfaces."