Un article [en anglais] de Romain Pirard paru sur le site Internet de la revue Consilience - The Journal of Sustainable Development et consacré au projet Yasuni-ITT.
Cette initiative du gouvernement équatorien de lutte contre le réchauffement climatique propose de ne pas exploiter quelque 850 millions de barils de pétrole situés dans le Parc Yasuní, une réserve naturelle habitée par des communautés indigènes Waorani. En échange, selon le principe de co-responsabilité, l’Équateur demande à la communauté internationale une contribution à hauteur de 50% de la manne financière potentielle.
Extrait :
"The innovative and initially attractive aspects of the Yasuni ITT initiative should not prevent us from questioning its soundness. [...] Many issues of global importance are associated with the area’s future, and it seems important, even essential, that the area is protected from oil exploitation and the consequent damage to biodiversity and native populations. However, oil extraction and the fight against climate change as the justification for international conservation funding appears to be a precarious and indefensible approach. If this approach has imposed itself, it is through the ‘pragmatism’ of an Ecuadorian government that is fully aware of the financial stakes of various options. But this pragmatism seems largely derived from an illusion. The initiative therefore warrants substantial modification to obtain the support of future donors if it is destined to become a pioneer project in the areas of the environment and North-South relations."
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