Résumé d'un atelier organisé le 7 juin 2016 par l'Iddri.
Extrait [en anglais] :
"The issue of 'planning' as a tool for governing climate and energy policy is currently on the agenda in Europe. Long term National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) are being proposed as a centrepiece of the new governance mechanism to ensure that the objectives of the Energy Union are achieved. The Paris Climate Agreement has also called on parties to 'formulate and communicate long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies'. It is therefore an appropriate time to examine:
- What role(s) long term planning can and should play in climate and energy policy?
- What processes, institutions and conditions are conducive to effective plan-making?
- How plan-making can contribute to creating stakeholder consensus around specific climate and energy strategies and policies?
- How plans will fit in broader national, European and international climate and energy governance frameworks?"