18 OCT 2017 PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only What agroecological scenario for Europe in 2050? Challenges and impacts for biodiversity conservation and food security - P-M. Aubert Speaker: Pierre-Marie Aubert
09 OCT 2017 PAST EVENT Intervention Sur invitation Nourrir durablement près de 10 milliards d'habitants en 2050 : enjeux et conséquences pour le développement agricole - P.M Aubert Speaker: Pierre-Marie Aubert
Autre publication June 2021 Fragmentation et privatisation de la gouvernance mondiale de la sécurité alimentaire - Le retour du paradigme productiviste Author: Pierre-Marie Aubert
25 AUG 2017 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event European Agricultural Policies: What is at stake for the future reform? Speaker: Pierre-Marie Aubert
16 MAY 2017 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event Integrating environmental issues into the next CAP reform? Looking backwards, moving forward A session of the monthly seminar 'Développement durable et économie de l'environnement' Speakers: David Baldock, Aurélie Trouvé, Pierre-Marie Aubert
Report March 2021 Towards a just transition of food systems - Challenges and policy levers for France Authors: Pierre-Marie Aubert, Baptiste Gardin, Michele Schiavo and 1 more.
25 APR 2017 PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only Food systems and climate change: what levers for transformation? - P.M. Aubert Speaker: Pierre-Marie Aubert
21 MAR 2017 Paris PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only "Zero deforestation policies and commitments" - National Group on Tropical Forests Speaker: Pierre-Marie Aubert
Policy Brief March 2021 Towards a just transition of food systems - Challenges and policy levers for France Authors: Pierre-Marie Aubert, Baptiste Gardin, Michele Schiavo and 1 more.
29 NOV 2016 Paris PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Palm oil sector: what contributions from the private sector and NGOs to fight deforestation? Speaker: Pierre-Marie Aubert
03 NOV 2016 PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public Colloque international - Les incidences du changement climatique sur l’agriculture - Pierre-Marie Aubert Speaker: Pierre-Marie Aubert
Policy Brief March 2021 High Environmental Value certification in the CAP: challenges for a real agro-ecological transition (article in French) Authors: Pierre-Marie Aubert, Xavier Poux