Working Paper June 2015 National adaptation is also a global concern Authors: Alexandre K. Magnan, Sébastien Treyer, Teresa Ribera
04 JUN 2015 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Green agriculture, healthy food: Tools to find a sustainable pathway to feed the planet Speaker: Sébastien Treyer
02 JUN 2015 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Climate change and adaptation: Which climate policies for Africa? Speaker: Sébastien Treyer
Autre publication May 2015 Demandes alimentaires dans un monde aux ressources limitées : quels équilibres en 2050 ? L'alimentation à découvert (CNRS Editions) Author: Sébastien Treyer
27 MAY 2015 Paris PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public Trajectoires des systèmes agricoles et objectifs de qualité de l’eau : peut-on imaginer un chemin de transition ? Speaker: Sébastien Treyer
26 MAY 2015 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event Sustainable development goals and development models: what ambition? Speakers: Sébastien Treyer, Tancrède Voituriez, Philippe Orliange
25 APR 2015 Paris PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public L’alimentation du futur : qu’aurons nous dans nos assiettes en 2050 ? Speaker: Sébastien Treyer
22 APR 2015 Berlin PAST EVENT Conference Invitation-only Nexus governance Post-2015: towards collaborative implementation Speaker: Sébastien Treyer
20 APR 2015 22 APR 2015 Monaco PAST EVENT Atelier Sur invitation 2e atelier du groupe The Oceans 2015 Initiative Speakers: Alexandre K. Magnan, Julien Rochette, Michel Colombier and 2 more.
20 APR 2015 PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only Implications of increased biomass demand on land competition Speaker: Sébastien Treyer
31 MAR 2015 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event Innovative social sciences for climate change Speakers: Sébastien Treyer, Laurence Tubiana, Bruno Latour and 3 more.
05 MAR 2015 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Transformative changes in technologies and policies in agro-food sector Speaker: Sébastien Treyer