This booklet is a product of the CECAM project (Contenu énergétique et carbone de l’alimentation des ménages – Energy and carbon content of household food consumption), managed by the Club d’Ingénierie Prospective Énergie et Environnement.
The perspective chosen is that of the household food consumption in mainland France, in contrast with the food production and processing of the French territory. The results presented consider the main energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of the average diet of the French population, taking into account the consumption and emissions contained in the imports of intermediate or final products, and excluding exported French production. This study details the relative contributions to the total footprint derived from the main stages of the food system: agricultural production, processing, freight transport, distribution, out-of-home eating, travel for household food purchases, and food preparation in the home.
We brought together data from statistics and models of agricultural production, food consumption, processing and transport. Ultimately, the aim would be to use the assessment and simulation tools developed for a foresight exercise. Indeed, the combination of the models used will enable the simulation of changes in the various stages of the food system (production methods, processing, possible relocation to France of imported products, transport reductions throughout the sector, supply modes, and dietary change) and to assess their impact on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.