At the global level, adaptation to climate change is still too incremental and reactive, and is not happening on the scale required. In France in particular, which is already facingmultiple hazards (increased droughts, heat waves, intense rainfall, coastal erosion, clay shrinkage and swelling) that are set to intensify, the differentiated effects from one sector and one region to another, depending on specific vulnerabilities and exposure factors call for specific responses.
In this context, the regular updating and publication of a National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PNACC) makes it possible to organize policy planning: (1) on different topics that must account for adaptation challenges (agriculture, biodiversity, urban planning, transport, health, etc.); (2) in connection within the existing sectoral and multilevel governance frameworks; and (3) anchored in ongoing discussions on the long-term development of the sectors and the transformations designed for multiple objectives (mitigation, biodiversity protection, but also social and economic objectives).
The objective of this project is to focus on the planning and implementation of adaptation in France, by developing an analysis of the role of the different levels and instances of governance (including at local, regional, national levels) in identifying the profound transformations needed and defining the associated policies for adaptation, and the potential changes required in these governance frameworks to address adaptation, taking into account in particular the potential conflicts of use and interests that adaptation poses to the sectors. This analysis at the French level will also try to feed into the reflections on adaptation planning and governance in European and international discussions, and in particular on the issues of transformational adaptation and fair resilience governance.