
"With its 'Farm to Fork' strategy, the European Commission proposed an ambitious project to transform Europe’s food system. However, the strategy has faced strong opposition and political blockages, indicating that a change of approach is needed if we are to move towards a more sustainable agricultural model."

An article by Pierre-Marie Aubert first published in French by the Institut Veblen and Alternatives économiques in Issue 101 of L'Economie politique, ("Europe in the face of global disorder: what choices ahead?").


On the basis of the results of F2F, three aspects seem key to moving the debate forward. First, in terms of method, it is essential to have a shared understanding of the issues involved in the transition, based on an in-depth socio-economic analysis, including the reorganization of markets. Second, in terms of subject matter, it will be difficult to avoid the issue of reducing animal product consumption – though it is not a simple issue and it does not help depolarize the debate. The European level could play an important role in supporting Member States to develop food strategies, an issue that needs to be addressed. Finally, if the F2F can ever be resurrected, it will need to be closely linked to the discussions underway within DG Climate on the introduction of carbon pricing to support sustainable agriculture and food.

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